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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

KPTM 26th Convocation @ PICC

On 3rd OctObeR 2009, a historical event took place... it was even more historical bcz i was chosen to attend the event...hehehheee..(in fact, i replaced somebody..doesn't matter laa.. best jee dpt g) these are some of the pics i manage to capture..

sempat ber posing bersama..wakil2 dari KPTM kuantan..

One of our students that awarded 'Anugerah Perak'..Hasyimah Noordin..congratz!!

her pic on stage..xclear sbb snap dari skrin besau kat hall tu

this is another awarded student..Farahana Aznan

farahana's pic on stage..pooon xclear jgk

dlm ramai2 org dkt hall, susah nk cari bebudak KPTM kuantan..pusing punye pusing, jpe laa sorang..snap laa gmbar dia wat kenangan

sorang lg student KPTM kuantan (eppp..ex student laa)..

i tried to snap few pictures of the students on stage..unluckily the pics are not very clear, sbb pergerakan limited..kene remain seated spjg majlis..so ini je laa gmbar yg berjaya diamik..

yg ni Diploma in Business Management students

Diploma in IT

program Usahasama UiTM

one of our students, program UiTM

Syazwan Firdaus..gmbar xclear..cume yg mengenali dirinya saje yg bole cam gmbar ni..

ni gmbr dlm hall..taken from the big screen

the performers

majlis raptai on 2nd Oct 2009..
persiapan terakhir masih dlm proses..

suuukee tgk lampu niii..ihikk..
sbnrnye, gmbar2 students lain ade gak disnap, asal ade je nmpak muka yg familiar atas stage tu, i captured the pics, tp gmbarnye xclear langsung, terpakse laa delete...nway, it was a great event .. congrats to all the graduates.


eyza said...

mdm... why don u take my pic and eyza? sad already -zawanie-

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Salam, saya merupakan salah seorang pemuzik gamelan yang terlibat dalam majlis konvokesyen ini. Saya ingin memohon keizinan Puan untuk memuat turun beberapa foto di laman ini yang ada terselit persembahan gamelan.
Terima kasih.